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Romanian Farmers To Resume Mkt Activities Without Trade Registry Papers

Romanian sheep and goat farmers can continue to sell their products in markets without the need for registration in the Trade Registry as authorized individuals, since agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu decided to amend the Order on the selling of animal origin products.
The president of Romanian agriculture federation Agrostar, Nicolae Stefan, said at the end of the meeting with agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu that a working group formed of union representatives, ministry representatives and people from the National Senitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority will be working on the amendment of three articles of Order 111/2008, which were "blocking the activity of small producers."

"Through these amendments, the situation will be solved, and the small producvers will have the possibility to resume their activities in the markets. They will no longer be obligated to enlist in the Trade Registry, to pay taxes, and the products can be analyzed in the markets where the products are sold," Stefan said.

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Agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu said farmers will be able to sell their products in the markets “just like they did so far”, and the amendments brought to Order 111/2008 will be published in the Official Journal
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