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National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering (INCDIE ICPE-CA) received AGIR award for its project at Households Biogas Appliance project, at AGIR Awards for 2011. The event took place at AGIR headquarters in Bucharest, on September 14, 2011. INCDIE ICPE-CA project was designed so that the rural households’ resources would be used in producing organic fertilizers.
INCDIE ICPE-CA projects brought many benefits for the research and development field, but also for social economy, by substituting real needs. The biogas appliance was created so that biodegradable waste of rural households will be treated and capitalized to produce biogas and ecological fertilizer to preserve the environment. Besides the above mentioned benefits, the appliance reduces dependency towards diminishing natural resources.
Exclusiv - beneficiati acum de Oferta Speciala de mai jos:
Cultura de sofran
Afla acum tot ce trebuie sa stii despre cultura de sofran - "aurul rosu" Iti propunem afacerea anului cultura de sofran De ce tocmai sofran Pentru ca Sofranul Crocus stativus furnizeaza cel mai scump condiment din lume Si nu numai Este si cel mai scump aliment mai scump decat caviarul carnea de vita Kobe sau otetul...
valabila 48h
INCDIE ICPE-CA achievements lead to institute’s strategic goals accomplishment such as development in electric engineering field through research.

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