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Romania can export 5 million tons of corn


Romania could sell on international markets around 5 million tons of corn from its 2011 harvest which is estimated at 11 million tons, said Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Valeriu Tabara.

“We have a good harvest this year and I think Romania will have 5 million tons of corn for exports. Global market is in good shape in present and is the first time when price of corn surpassed the price of wheat. It will be good for our producers to export and for Romania to mark its presence on international market”, said the Minister, according to Agerpres.

He highlighted that 2011 corn harvest will reach 11 million tons of which 5 to 6 tons are for internal consumption and the remained quantity could be capitalized on global markets.

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“I estimate that this year harvest will be two tons over 2010 production. Harvesting process is going well and corn is easy to garner and almost with no cost. I believe that is almost certain that we’ll be among EU performers regarding corn production, probably after France”, said Valeriu Tabara.

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Romania was on the first place among EU countries regarding topsoil for corn crops with 2.243 million hectares, in 2010. However, our country was second after France regarding the corn production due to a low output.

As for last year’s EU corn production, France was the leader among European countries with 13.690 million tons, followed by Romania with 9.101 million tons, and Italy and Hungary, with 7.877 tons, respectively 7.410 tons.

However, Romania’s corn output of 4,056 kg/ha, for 2010, was smaller than in other EU countries, not including Bulgaria, with 3,920 kg/hectare.
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