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Bursa: "Avicola" Braşov to create an agricultural cooperative in the county of Alba

Shareholders of "Avicola" Braşov have agreed to have the company participate in an agricultural cooperative in the county of Alba, in which it will hold a 20% stake, and will invest 2,000 lei in its share capital. Also, the shareholders agreed to revoke the owner of the company, Ioan Popa, from his position of member of the Board of Directors, and to have him replaced by Gheorghe Opriş, while Simion Opriţa was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Businessman Ioan Popa holds 70.83% of "Avicola" Braşov and is the owner of poultry maker "Transavia" Alba Iulia.

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Vrei sa demarezi o afacere online Secretele comertului online iti sunt in sfarsit dezvaluite in stick-ul “Magazin Online - cum sa pornesti propria ta afacere online” Te gandesti sa demarezi o afacere orice fel de afacere Atunci primul pas pe care il ai OBLIGATORIU de facut consta in realizarea unui mic studiu de piata serios...

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"Avicola" Braşov is listed on the Rasdaq tier of the Bucharest Stock Exchange and has a share capital of 16.9 million lei, divided into 6.7 million shares with a face value of 2.5 lei, writes Bursa.
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