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Lanz Bulldog tractor, present at Indagra Farm Bucharest
The Romanian National Agriculture Museum is present at Indagra Farm event with a rare Lanz Bulldog tractor, manufactured by Heinrich Lanz AG in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Production started in 1921 and various versions of the Bulldog were produced up to 1960. Deere & Company purchased Lanz in 1956 and started using the name "John Deere Lanz" for the Lanz product line. A few years after the Bulldog was discontinued, the Lanz name fell into disuse.
The Bulldog was an inexpensive, simple and easy to maintain vehicle. This was chiefly due to its simple power source: a two-stroke semi-diesel single cylinder horizontal engine. Initially the engine was a 6.3 litre, 12 horsepower unit, but as the Bulldog evolved this was increased to 10.9 litres and 54 horsepower. While semi-diesels were crude engines, they were easy to maintain and could burn a wide variety of low grade oils –even waste oils, according to wikipedia .
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The Bulldog was one of the most popular German tractors, with over 250,000 of them produced in its long production life.
Dragos Serban
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