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Milea: Chemical fertilizer plants don't have enough to help them function at maximum capacity
Fertilizer industry is facing a new issue in the beginning of the year, - lack of domestically produced gas needed for fertilizer production, producers say. "Chemical fertilizer plants don"t have enough to help them function at maximum capacity", said Marian Milea, the president of the national professional association Nitrofosfor.
The head of Nitrofosfor said, that right now, six of the chemical fertilizer plants which belong to the association, ,only four are operational, and only three at full capacity. The reason for the shortage of domestically produced gas is the fact that last autumn, the government increased the number of beneficiaries of domestically produced gas.
Marian Milea said: "The measure was initially taken this summer, and the facility was granted to units that consume a minimum of 30,000 cubic meters per hour. However, starting in autumn, the government extended the period for the applicability of this measure, while at the same time increasing the number of beneficiaries. So at the moment, companies that consume a minimum of 5,000 cubic meters an hour now qualify for this measure as well. Under these circumstances, domestically produced gas can not reach all consumers. This is why we do not have enough gas to operate".
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