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Romanian food sector failed test in 2009

At the end of last year, the food sector was forecast to be among the sectors to be hit most by the crisis. It is the very reason why the representatives of this sector, as well as the other players on the Romanian market, asked the Government to take the necessary measures necessary so we would not to fit the announced scenarios. Although government officials came forward with a series of so-called ''anti-crisis measures", they eventually proved to have remained only on paper, and the companies from the affected sectors were forced to manage on their own. Food industry representatives warned we could even see a collapse of the Romanian food industry. Subsequently, the forecasts followed the same trend. A wave of price increases and bankruptcies was announced for the sector of this industry. At the beginning of the year, it was considered that approximately 15% of the food industry employees could be fired.

Many of these scenarios were confirmed over the year.

According to the President of the National Federation of Food Industry Trade Unions (FNSIA), Dragoş Frumosu, the current situation in this sector is a disastrous one. A part of the companies closed down, others limited their activity. ''The lack of concrete measures or the application of others that had had no use made it possible for the situation in the food industry to be categorised as a disastrous one.

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