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10-month agri-food products exports up 5%
Romanian exports of agri-food products exports grew by about 5% in the first ten months of 2009, to 1.84 billion euros, compared to 1.75 billion euros in the same period of 2008, while imports decreased by 18%, from 3.41 billion euros to 2.8 billion euros. Thus, according to data supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), at NewsIn's request, Romania exported agricultural products worth about 1.4 billion euros in European Union countries, over the period January-October 2009, compared with 1.14 million in the same period of 2008. Regarding extra-community exports in the first ten months of last year, they totalled 430.9 million euros, compared to 604.2 million euros in the corresponding period in 2008.
Also, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Romania's imports of food products from EU countries in the first ten months of 2009, totalled about 2.22 billion euros, as against 2.70 billion euros in same period of 2008. As regards imports from outside the European Union, in the period January-October 2009, Romania imported agri-food products in amount of 586.7 million euros, compared to 717.6 million euros in the corresponding period of 2008.
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