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A fourth of Romania’s fertile land is unfarmed
This year’s agricultural production will be lower than in 2008, due to the drought currently affecting Romania, according to Agriculture Minister Ilie Sarbu in an interview for Business Standard.
He declined to provide precise figures, however, in order “not to influence the market,” especially because the harvest time is near. Romania’s irrigation system is very old, and this is to worsen the situation in case of a severe drought.
The ministry plans to carry out a study, with other authorities, for a project that could help producers in case of a drought. “This is a very complicated study that will probably take one year. Subsequently, the Parliament and all of us must commit thereto, and we must recognize that an extraordinary effort is in order. This is an investment worth millions of euro, which cannot be done in one year,” he said.
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Some two million hectares of fertile land of the total 9 million hectares available in Romania are unused at this time, the minister said. Other estimates, which he deemed exaggerated, mention surfaces of some 4 million hectares.
Dragos Serban
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