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Agricover will raise salaries by some 8%
The Agricover group, the largest agricultural product supplier on the local market, will raise employee salaries by some eight percent, the company’s Human Resource (HR) Manager, Simona Podgoreanu, told Business Standard, adding that the firm is currently analyzing the business to set the level of salary increases.
“It is possible that salaries rise on average by some eight percent, but, in the case of some employees, the growth rate could be higher, while in other cases salaries could stagnate. We are now simulating various scenarios with financial analysts, to see how a certain growth rate could affect us,” Podgoreanu said.
The salary growth rate which could be approved for 2009 fell significantly from the 30 percent rate in 2008. The average salary within the company is RON 1,500 (€350). According to the enterprise’s HR Manager, the company is analyzing the possibility of raising the variable portion of employee income, in case management decides not to increase the fixed salary by a high percentage.
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