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Albalact business to increase by up to 10% in 2009

Albalact, the largest local dairy producer, foresees business growth of up to 10 percent year-on-year in 2009. Earlier this year, the company was estimating €72 million in turnover for 2008.

The company also expects a slight rise in profit in 2009, but not significant year-on-year.

“We believe that Romanians will focus on cheaper, basic products next year, leading to slower growth of the industry and lower profitability,” Albalact General Manager, Traian Simion, told Business Standard. “As a result, Albalact has adjusted its development plan for 2009, so we expect a 5-10 percent increase compared to 2009,” he added.

Simion said that the dairy industry is not likely to be severely impacted by the crisis, however, because milk is a basic staple for Romanians, who are not going to eliminate this from their consumption basket.

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In the first nine months of 2008, Albalact posted €38.3 million worth of business, 20 percent higher year-on-year, and earnings five times lower compared to the first three quarters in 2007, worth some €0.26 mln.

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