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Albalact: triple profit and a 30% rise in business business
Albalact, a major player on the local dairy market, registered net sales worth RON 116.2 million (€27.6 mln) in the first half of this year, up 30.6 percent year-on-year, while the net profit nearly tripled, to RON 2.8 mln (€0.6 mln), on a market that posted a decline of nearly one fifth in the first quarter, but which resumed growth in the past few months.
“In 2009, the company adjusted its strategy very well to the realities of the market, which ensures it a development pace above that of the dairy market, which could rise by some 5-7 percent this year, according to the latest estimates by the Association of Employers in the Milk Industry (APRIL),” said Albalact officials.
Albalact representatives are optimistic about the evolution of the local dairy market, saying that the local trends reflect the evolution of the entire European dairy market, strongly influenced by low prices, low basic consumption in terms of value, promotions to attract consumers, and a battle for shelf space.
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