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Aldis directs its investment towards agriculture and animal farming in 2009
The Aldis Calarasi cold meats producer, controlled by businessman George Naghi, has frozen the salaries of its employees, due to the financial crisis. The company will direct its investments towards agriculture and animal farming in the near future, after allocating major funding for the modernization of production capacities on the meat product segment.
“We made our activity more profitable in 2008, before the outbreak of the financial crisis, and raised productivity by acquiring modern equipment. Regarding salaries, we are freezing these now, to see what will happen on the market,” Naghi told Business Standard.
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Aldis posted some €100 million in net sales in 2008, and €6 mln in profit. The company has a daily production capacity of up to 150 tons, while actual daily production amounts to some 120 tons, which corresponds to an estimated 18 percent market share, according to company officials.
Dragos Serban
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