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Contec Foods expands its portfolio and raises exports to battle the crisis
Contec Foods, a major canned vegetable and fruit producer, with a 35 percent market share, is expecting net sales worth €18.3 million in 2009, up five percent year-on-year, due to including at least two private brands in its portfolio, and raising the share of exports.
This is an optimistic forecast, considering that the canned vegetable and fruit market registered a 20 percent drop in the first half of this year, according to company officials, who announced the producer’s entrance onto new market segments.
“For 2009, we estimate net sales worth €18.3 million, in spite of the fact that the canned vegetable and fruit market declined 20 percent in H1, due to a drop in consumption,” according to a statement for Business Standard by Bogdan Bira, National Sales Manager of Marathon Distribution Group, which includes Contec Foods.
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Regarding sales registered in H1, company officials talk about a decline compared to the corresponding period in 2008, but are optimistic for H2, forecasting a 10-15 percent increase. Moreover, Contec Foods plans to rank among top five producers on each of the segments the company is operating on.
Read more in Business Standard
Dragos Serban
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