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Culita Tarata: Romanian agriculture could feed 100 million people
Businessman Culita Tarata (photo), who controlling TCE 3 Brazi company, with operations in the fields of agriculture and industry, has invested 52m euros in equipment for Insula Mare a Brailei in the past eight years, where he farms 56,000 hectares of agricultural land, and plans to invest a further 30m euros to completely rehabilitate the irrigation system, with the money to be earmarked starting this year. "I invest everything I earn because agriculture is a field that will endure.
It is the engine that gets the entire Romanian economy moving, because if you have agriculture, you have food industry and machine building industry. Romania's land, if it were farmed under modern agro-technical conditions, could feed 100 million inhabitants, but we are only using 35% of its potential and we bring the rest from imports," Culita Tarata stated. The company, which manages total of 65,000 hectares, in 2008 had total grain production of 370,000 tonnes.. "Last year, in Braila area we coped with drought, but technology investments brought us an average of 6.5 tonnes per hectare for wheat and barley, 10 tonnes/hectare for maize and 3 tonnes/hectare for sunflower and rapeseed (...),"Tarata says.
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Ghid practic Realizarea de sapun natural
Realizarea de sapun natural este cea mai profitabila afacere Obtii venituri de 1 000 de lei pentru doar 2 ore de munca Ce contine Ghidul practic pentru realizarea de sapun natural Cum sa faci sapun 100 natural – nu numai informatiile de baza ci toate sfaturile si trucurile necesare pentru a obtine inca de la prima incercare ...
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