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Delaco’s sales rose 30% in Q1
Delaco, a major player on the local cheese market, registered a 30 percent increase in sales in the first quarter of this year compared to the first three months of 2008. The product with the highest growth rate compared to 2008, at 60 percent, was yellow cheese.
“Delaco registered significant growth on several categories, but the yellow cheese remains the star category, with a rise in sales of some 60 percent in this year’s first three months compared to Q1 2008,” the company’s Marketing Manager, Romulus Dumitru, told Business Standard.
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Dumitru added that changes in consumer habits have been observed since the beginning of this year with buyers migrating towards economical products. Company officials said they are optimistic about results for the second quarter, estimating a 20 percent rise in sales.
Dragos Serban
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