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Domestic vegetable production covers over one third of consumption
About 35-40 percent of the internal vegetable consumption is ensured by domestic production, with the remainder being imported, according to data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Local vegetable production increased in terms of a few basic products, such as tomatoes, up some eight percent, to 144,516 tons, cucumbers (42 percent), and peppers (37 percent), but declined in terms of carrots, onions, and greenhouse vegetables.
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“This year, there is a significantly larger quantity of vegetables due to the introduction of new, more productive kinds, and applying better technologies which led to the appearance of higher quantities of superior quality vegetables,” the General Manager of the General Division of Agricultural Policies within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, and Rural Development (MAPDR), Daniel Botănoiu, told the NewsIn agency. (
Dragos Serban
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