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EC Extends SAPARD Funds For Romania By One Year

The European Commission decided Tuesday to extend SAPARD payments to Romania until the end of 2009, Michael Mann, spokesman for EU Commissioner for Agriculture Mariann Fischer Boel, told Mediafax Tuesday.
The Commission sent a letter to Romanian authorities on October 25 requiring further information to enable it to make a decision on the continuation of SAPARD payments.

"The General Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) sent a letter to Romanian authorities this afternoon (Tuesday -e.n.) regarding the plan of action," Mann said.

He added the Commission recognizes in the letter Romania’s efforts in the matter.

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"But we required new information," Mann said, without giving further details.

Asked whether the EC has imposed a deadline for a reply, the official said there are no deadlines but the Commission expects an answer “as soon as possible".

The Commission hasn’t yet made a decision to resume SAPARD payments to Romania, but might decide mid-next week, Mann said in a press conference Friday.

He said the authorities in Brussels are analyzing a report sent by an independent auditor on Romania’s progress regarding payment distribution.

The Romanian authorities have temporarily stopped the payments to SAPARD beneficiaries, after the European Commission has noticed deficiencies during June’s audit.

The country will resume payments via SAPARD program as soon as farmers’ applications are revised in accordance with the proceedings requested by the Commission, officials with the Agriculture Ministry said at the time.
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