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EC Says Needs More Data On SAPARD Program In Romania
The European Commission requested additional data on Romania’s course of actions regarding the EU-funded SAPARD program before making a decision on whether to resume payments to Romanian farmers, EC spokesman for agriculture, Michael Mann said Tuesday.
The authorities in Brussels have noticed Romania’s efforts in the field, but require further information before making a decision, Mann said.
Mann declined to give details on the requested data.
Last week, Mann told a press conference that the Commission might announce its decision on SAPARD agricultural payments for Romania by mid this week.
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He said the authorities in Brussels are analyzing a report sent by an independent auditor on Romania’s progress regarding payment distribution.
The Romanian authorities have temporarily stopped the payments to SAPARD beneficiaries, after the European Commission has noticed deficiencies during an audit conducted in June.
The country will resume the payments via SAPARD program as soon as farmers’ applications are revised in accordance with the proceedings requested by the Commission, officials with the Agriculture Ministry said at the time.
Dragos Serban
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