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EUROCARNE 2009: The most important event for the Italian meat industry

Three years after the last edition, EUROCARNE comes again to Verona and renews its appointment with the buyers of the Meat Industry. The exhibition will take place from 21st through 24th May 2009 in Verona (Italy), and has confirmed its standing as one of the biggest international events and certainly as the most important Italian show dedicated to the meat industry.
Products on display At Eurocarne you can learn about the most advanced technological solutions and the most innovative products for the entire production cycle of the meat industry. You can view the sectors on display clicking on:
Exhibitors Over 300 exhibiting companies, 30% coming from 16 Countries, look forward to seeing you in Verona. The best of the national and international production is showcased at Eurocarne.

Useful information
  • Opening hours: from Thursday 21st through Saturday 23rd May 2009: 9,30 am - 6,00 pm
  • Sunday 24th May 2009: 9,30 am - 5,00 pm
  • Venue: Verona Exhibition Center. Viale del Lavoro 8 - Verona (Italy)
  • Entrance: "Cangrande" Gate - Viale del Lavoro
  • Pavilions: no. 1 - 2 - 4 - 5
  • Admission: Free of charge. For trade visitors with their own invitation or by direct registration at the reception

Accomodations in Verona As the exhibition approaches, there is a quick and simple way to secure the best accomodation for your stay in Verona. Click here to access the service.

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Ghid practic Realizarea de sapun natural

Realizarea de sapun natural este cea mai profitabila afacere Obtii venituri de 1 000 de lei pentru doar 2 ore de munca Ce contine Ghidul practic pentru realizarea de sapun natural Cum sa faci sapun 100 natural – nu numai informatiile de baza ci toate sfaturile si trucurile necesare pentru a obtine inca de la prima incercare ...

Oferta Speciala
valabila 48h

If you want to look to the future, EUROCARNE 2009 is the best place to come!

Eurocarne is organized by Ipack-Ima spa and Veronafiere. Exhibition promoters include Assofoodtec, the Italian Manufacturers' Association for Machinery, Plants and Equipment for Food Production, Processing and Preservation and its member associations: Comaca, Italian Meat Processing Machinery Manufacturers; the Manufacturers of Meat Cutters, Grinders and related; The Manufacturers' Association of Refrigerating Systems.
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