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Fast food tax to be levied in Romania as of March 2010

Fast food tax will be levied from March 2010 and imposed to the companies producing, importing or preparing fast food and pastry-confectionery products, snacks, chips, as well as soft drinks, the amount of the contribution to be determined through negotiations with the respective companies.
The fee will be paid by all legal persons who produce, import or prepare un-recommended food with high content of salt, fat, sugar and food additives, and this category will include fast food products, pastry-confectionery products, snacks and chips, as well as soft drinks, except bottled flat water or bottled mineral water and natural fresh juices from fruit and vegetables.

The complete list of the food products deemed unsuitable because of their high content of salt, fat, sugar and food additives will be approved by government decision, according to the draft law introducing the fast food tax.

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