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Final Crisis In Romanian Agriculture To Peak In Autumn - Interagro
Romania's agriculture sector will reach the peak of the financial crisis at the end of September and the beginning of October, when the farming cycle restarts, Interagro president Ioan Niculae said Monday.
"The crisis has not peaked yet. Let’s expect it end-September or early October, when we need to resume the agricultural cycle," Niculae said during a debate on agriculture.
According to Niculae, since farmers start farm works and until they receive their subsidies per hectare, they lose around 30% or 40% of its value, because of high interest rates banks practice for farm loans and the depreciation of the Romanian leu against the euro.
On the other hand, Adrian Radulescu, president of the Romania Agricultural Procedures Associations League (LAPAR), said farmers are undercapitalized and the cereal market is the most affected, as prices received by farmers for their harvest do not cover production costs.
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InterAgro is a large group of private companies held by businessman Ioan Niculae, operating in the agriculture sector.
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