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In 2010, Ukraine to produce 45.2 mln tonnes of grains

In 2010, the general grain production in Ukraine will reach the level of 45.2 mln tonnes with the average yield of 30.1 c/ha. According to data to APK-Inform Agency, in the current year, the country will face the reduction of winter wheat production volumes, which traditionally form the main basis (90-95%) in the structure of wheat production. Thus, according to estimations, in 2010, the general production volumes of the grain will total nearly 19.8 mln tonnes as opposed to 20.8 mln tonnes in 2009.
The general production volumes of barley are expected at the level of 11.5 mln tonnes with the average yield of 25.5 c/ha, down 3% compared to the previous year result. At the same time, the harvest of winter barley will total 4 mln tonnes, spring barley – 7.5 mln tonnes.

According to forecasts of APK-Inform, rye yield will total nearly 18.8 c/ha. The harvesting areas will total 286 thsd ha, the general production volumes are estimated at the level of 536 thsd tonnes as opposed to 946 thsd tonnes in 2009.

Besides, maize yield will reduce compared to the previous year results – to the level of 48.7 c/ha, at the same time, production volumes of maize will grow to 11.3 mln tonnes.

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According to estimations of APK-Inform, the general sowing areas of grains for the harvest-2010 will stay almost at the previous year level and total nearly 15.9 mln ha. At the same time, in 2010, sowing areas of the main spring grains will total 7.3 mln ha as opposed to 7.57 mln ha in 2009.

You can become acquainted with more detailed information concerning the prospects of the grain harvest in 2010, and view the results of the multi-client study “Ukraine: sowing campaign-2010”, realized annually by APK-Inform Agency.
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