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InterAgro group recruits Chinese and Bulgarian specialists
The InterAgro group is bringing in specialists from China and Bulgaria, due to the lack of skilled personnel on the Romanian market, as the group owned by Ioan Niculae requires a further 200 employees to cover its four-shift work capacity. The company plans to recruit 73 specialists from China and Bulgaria and an additional 130 Romanians.
“We are not recruiting workers from China because they are less expensive, on the contrary, a Chinese specialist costs us 20-25 percent more than a Romanian. In case you have to hire personnel from China, you have to pay a certain amount for the family members who remain in the country of origin,” said Niculae.
The InterAgro group controls the Viromet Victoria, Nitroporos Fagaras, Sofert Bacau, Azochim Savinesti, and Donawchem Turnu Magurele complexes. As of 1 May, 6,700 employees of the chemical plants were sent home, following the temporary closure of these units, as the authorities decided to cease granting subsidies to farmers for the acquisition of chemical fertilizers.
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