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Interagro’s Niculae believes in the potential of agriculture

Ioan Niculae, owner of the Interagro group, one of the largest grain producers in Romania, declared that his food industry business is doing well, in spite of the crisis, because Romanians will not forego their food. He also announced that his bio-ethanol factory in the southern Romanian town of Zimnicea will begin production this summer, and that he plans to significantly increase his presence on the wine market towards the end of the year.
“Sales went well, in spite of the crisis, and we cannot say that there is stagnation in consumption. We have investments planned for the period immediately ahead and want to increase the number of animals,” Niculae declared for Business Standard. The group also includes the Cicalex cold meats producer, a slaughterhouse, and several animal farms.

Niculae likewise owns 170 hectares of vineyard, which enjoyed its first harvest last year. The owner of Interagro started out with wines as a hobby, recently turning it into a business, and he wants to increase his presence on the wine market significantly at the end of the year, when he will have a sufficient quantity.

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