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Murfatlar wine producer doubled its market share in the past nine years

The Murfatlar producer of wines doubled its market share in the past nine years, to some 23 percent on the 0.75-liter bottle wine segment, and is market leader on this segment, compared to the 12 percent share of the second-largest company, according to Murfatlar officials.

With a production estimated at 25 million liters in 2009 due to several new fruit-bearing areas, Murfatlar has announced its entrance onto the sparkling wine market, most likely towards the end of 2009 or the beginning of 2010, and expects exports to rise to 20 percent of total production, from 15 percent. The company presently exports to Israel, Finland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Spain, Italy, and the US.

The wine producer will begin a €1-1.5 million investment in 2009 for production modernization, and the project is to be finalized this year or in 2010. Murfatlar’s administrator, Cosmin Popescu, said that the company plans to increase the replanted grapevine surface to an annual 350-400 hectares in the coming years, compared to 150 ha at present.

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