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Niculae: InterAgro starts bioethanol production next week bioethanol

The InterAgro group plans to start production at a bioethanol plant in Zimnicea [southern Romania] next week, in which the group invested €65 million and that would be the main supplier of local oil companies, the group’s President, Ioan Niculae, told Business Standard.

“We will produce up to 100,000 tons of bioethanol annually. We chose this investment because all oil companies in Romania are presently importing bioethanol. The EU forces all member states to comply with a minimum four percent bioethanol in gas, which will amount to 20 percent by 2020,” Niculae said.

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He added that the investment is scheduled to be recovered in dour-five year. Moreover, the official said that electricity production will be initiated this week, also in Zimnicea, following a €15 mln investment. This plant will function on natural gas and will produce simultaneously electrical and thermo energy. “The plant has six turbines, of 2MW each, we will consume 6 MW and sell the rest,” the businessman said
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