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Oltchim needs €620 mln for investments

The state-owned Oltchim Ramnicu Valcea chemical complex needs €620 million for investments, of which €100 mln would be ensured by a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) or the Erste lender, for which negotiations are being carried, said government sources at the end of last week, quoted by the Mediafax news agency.
The contract, by which Oltchim would take over the Petromchemical Arges petrochemical division from the Petrom oil company, could be signed for €1, market sources told Business Standard. To enter effectively into possession of Petrochemical Arges, Oltchim will need at least €15 mln to cover raw materials, final product and replacement part stock, investments the majority shareholder of Petrochemical Arges initiated last year, to ensure a working capital of at least €50 mln and open a letter of credit of several tens of millions of euro, to continue its relationship with Petrom.

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