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Orkla relocates margarine production from Craiova to Bucharest
Orkla Foods Romania (OFR), local subsidiary of the Norwegian Orkla Foods group, plans to close its southern Romanian unit in Craiova, relocating production to the group’s plant in Bucharest.
The decision will affect some 100 employees, and comes approximately ten months after Orkla relocated its Craiova ketchup and mustard production to the central Romanian town of Covasna, in order to raise productivity and the efficiency of operations. Only margarine was to continue to be produced at Craiova.
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When contacted by Business Standard, company officials said that the measure was taken because the current location, inside the city of Craiova, no longer allows for normal industrial activity or further development of the factory, namely new European standard products. Thus, in the medium and long-term, maintaining the plant would generate high and unjustified costs.
Dragos Serban
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