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Porumboiu expects a 10% rise in the Racova Com Agro Pan Vaslui business
Adrian Porumboiu, President of Racova Com Agro Pan Vaslui, revised his estimates regarding net sales this year downwards, to 10 percent, from 30 percent announced at the beginning of 2009, due to low grain prices.
“The situation is not desperate, but it is not balanced considering investments made. Every year, we invest some €25 million in agricultural production alone. The agricultural producer is forced to sell his production for ridiculously low prices, middlemen come to the roads and buy by the truckloads, which results in fiscal evasion,” Porumboiu told Business Standard.
The businessman had a production of 100,000 tons of wheat this year, lower than the 140,000 tons registered last year, due to drought, which caused losses of up to 42 percent of production.
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Thus, Porumboiu focuses his development strategy in 2009 on the processing segment, considering that grain exports will slide to 20 percent from 50 percent in 2008.
Dragos Serban
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