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Poultry producers focus on exports despite rising demand on the local market

Local poultry production increased by some 29 percent in the first half of this year, compared to H1 2008, to 161,000 tons. However, imports continue to make up a large share of consumption, namely 28.2 percent on a market rising by over one fifth, according to data provided by the Union of Poultry Producers in Romania (UCPR).

If imports continue to ensure almost one third of internal consumption, the main two local players, Transavia, with a 17 percent market share, and Agricola Bacau, with an 11 percent share, are beginning to direct themselves towards the foreign market.

“Internal production increased, due to a rise in demand on the market. Romanians prefer fresh, domestic, refrigerated poultry, maybe also because prices have not changed, and purchasing power has dropped. Unfortunately, imports have also risen in the first six months compared to the corresponding period in 2008,” UCPR’s President, Ile Van, told Business Standard.

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The value of the poultry market (including processed meat) amounts to some €800 million, and major players are Transavia, Agricola Bacau, Agrisol, and Agroli. The largest producer, Transavia, announced production of approximately 50,000 tons for this year, almost one quarter of internal production, company officials said.

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