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Romania’s Farming Subsidy Per Hectare To Increase By EUR35 - Minister

Subsidies per hectare for Romanian farmers will increase to EUR142 from the current EUR107, as the European Commission has promised to raise the subsidy by EUR35, Romanian agriculture minister said Saturday.

Romania initially requested a higher subsidy but in the end it was decided the subsidy would be raised by EUR35.

"We initially asked for an additional EUR44, but in the end we reached a compromise for an additional EUR35 per hectare,” Sarbu said.
Asked when the raise in subsidies would be applied, the minister said there have only been talks so far and paperwork is just being started.

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"I got the verbal agreement from the Council of ministers Friday and, probably, when the written agreement arrives from Brussels, we’ll be able to make higher payments,” he said, adding about 1.3 million Romanian farmers would receive this subsidy.
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