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Romania ’08 Wine Sales Seen Up 11% YY, To EUR500M - Assoc
Romanian wine sales are seen up 11% to around EUR500 million in 2008, from EUR450 million a year ago, the general manager of the Vineyard and Wine Employers’ Association PNVV, Ovidiu Gheorghe, said Tuesday at Romania Retail Forum 2008 organized by Mediafax.
Wine sales have not yet been affected by the financial crisis, but producers can no longer get banking loans to develop their activities, Gheorghe said.
The wine market will grow annually by around 10%, while the total wine volume will be 16% higher on the year in 2008, he said.
Gheorghe added that 0.75 liters-bottled wine will register the highest growth, of 27%, in 2008.
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The country’s most important wine producers are Murfatlar, Vincon Vrancea, Jidvei, Cotnari and Tohani.
Dragos Serban
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