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Romania Agriculture Min Cuts 23 Management Positions
Romania’s Agriculture Ministry will cut management positions by 36% to 42, following the dismantling of 11 out of 32 departments, ministry secretary general Miron Moldovan said Thursday.
The ministry currently has 65 management positions.
In addition, 136 employees with the ministry’s the central department will be transferred to subordinated structures, including the Paying Agency for Intervention in Agriculture and the National Agency for Fisheries.
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Under a draft decision approved by the Romanian government on Wednesday, the Agriculture Ministry will also reorganize a series of additional services and divisions, such as the one in charge with drawing agricultural policies, the department for control of operations unfolded through the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, the departments for management of the national budget and of the European funds etc.
The draft aims to adjust the ministry’s structures to allow a better absorption of the European funds, as well as improved communication between the departments with attributions in applying the Common Agriculture Policy, the ministry said in a statement.
Prime Minister Emil Boc asked the cabinet members to cut by 20% the number of advisers with the work apparatus of Romanian dignitaries.
Dragos Serban
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