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Romania. Price of wheat not to go up in next three months - Rompan
President of the Rompan Romanian Employers' Association in Milling and Bread Making Industry in Romania Aurel Popescu said on Friday, at the end of the talks with Minister of Agriculture Mihail Dumitru that it was out of the question to change the costs of wheat in the first quarter of 2010.
“Although the wheat reserve from the 2009 harvest has influenced us negatively there are stocks currently and it is out of the question to change costs in the first quarter of 2010,” said Popescu. He added that the Minister of Agriculture would send a notification to the European bodies with a view to finding another formula for farmers to go on getting state subsidies.
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“The Minister of Agriculture is trying to notify Brussels of the replacement of the formula of state subsidy with a formula the European Union agreed on, such as including it into the animal welfare,” said the Rompan head. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mihail Dumitru on Friday started a first round of talks with the representatives of the trade unions and employers' association in agriculture in order to analyze the new forms of support that will be granted starting in 2010.
Dragos Serban
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