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Romanian Agric Ministry Eyes Reducing No. Of Depts To 69 From Current 206 –Min
Romania’s Agriculture Ministry plans to reduce the number of departments in its subordination by 67% to 69, from current 206, and their attributions will be entrusted to divisions newly established within the ministry or taken over by local authorities, agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu said Saturday.
According to Sarbu, the draft decree on the decentralization and reorganization of agencies and departments subordinated to the Agriculture Ministry, which will be discussed during the government meeting on Sunday, June 14, can be altered both within the meeting on Sunday and by the legislative committees, which, he said, are bound to amend the act.
Under the draft, the 42 farming and rural development departments, 42 county offices for pedological and agrochemical studies, 42 county offices providing farming consulting services and the regional inspectorates for the quality of seeds and seeding material, all subordinated to the ministry, will be transferred into the administration of county councils.
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According to the same draft, there will be established 42 farming inspection divisions, which will include the regional inspectorates for the quality of seeds and seeding material. The 42 divisions will have branches in ten counties across the country.
Moreover, the ministry will have only three regulatory and management authorities, from its current six authorities, while the number of regional forest and hunting inspectorates (eight), research institutes (four) and management units (three) will remain unchanged.
The eight labs for wine quality control and the phytosanitary labs will be transferred to the “Valea Calugareasca” Central Laboratory for the Control of Wine Quality and Hygiene and to the National Authority for Vegetal Resources, respectively.
Te number of offices and centers organized at central level will be halved to only two divisions.
Dragos Serban
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