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Romanian Privatization Money Could Support Agriculture Projects

Romanian agriculture ministry projects, using foreign non-reimbursable funds, will be temporarily financed through privatizations revenues, if the budget allocations of the institution, whose spending is about to be drastically reduced in the budget correction, are insufficient.
"If budget loans connected to projects financed from post-accession foreign non-reimbursable funds from the Ministry of Agriculture’s budget are insufficient, the Government will approve temporary financing, from the revenues obtained through privatizations," reads the draft document on the first budget correction for this year, a document obtained by MEDIAFAX.

The transfer of funds towards agriculture projects will be decided by the Government at the proposition of the Ministries of Agriculture and of Finance.

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The budget correction will be performed by the government in the near future and will reduce the budgets of all ministries, with the largest cut being made at the Ministry of Agriculture, namely over RON2 billion.
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