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Romanian Social Democrats Appointed Two State Secretaries For Agriculture
Romania’s Agriculture Ministry will keep the same structure and Liviu Harbuz, head of the Veterinarians College, and Catalin Rosculete, manager of the Caracal Research Development Station, will be appointed state secretaries, minister Ilie Sarbu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.
"We’ll keep the ministry’s current structure with three state secretaries and one sub-secretary because we’re not allowed to change it. We (the Social Democratic Party -e.n.) still have to appoint a sub-secretary of state and the Democratic Liberal Party hasn’t yet proposed a state secretary,” Sarbu said.
Harbuz has previously worked as state secretary in the Agriculture Ministry and was head of the country’s Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority under the social democrat government of Adrian Nastase. He will be in charge of the ministry’s department for European affairs and international relations and will coordinate paying agencies.
"Liviu Harbuz is experienced in the relationship with the European union. He’s the one who negotiated a tough chapter, that regarding food safety,” Sarbu said.
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Rosculete will be in charge of implementing agricultural policies, the minister said.
The sub-secretary of state, who is still to be appointed, will likely be in charge of forestry, while the third state secretary, to be appointed by democrat liberals, will have attributions in the relationship with Parliament and will coordinate several institutions run by the ministry.
Dragos Serban
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