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Romania’s grain production will drop 40% compared to the current, and ten counties in the country will have arid soil due to the global warming in the next 20 years
Romania’s grain production will drop 40% compared to the current, and ten counties in the country will have arid soil due to the global warming in the next 20 years, Environment Minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Saturday.
“A study on the effects of global warming shows the soil in ten counties in Romania will become desert-like in the next two decades,” Nemirschi said.
“The study made by specialists in several institutes show the southern part of the continent will suffer from the global warming, and soil in this area is in danger of becoming arid. In Romania, most affected will be affected from west to east, the southwestern, the southern and southeastern parts,” Nemirschi said.
“Soil and climate changes will influence the crops, thus in the next 20 years the cereal production will amount to 60% of the crop we obtain now. These kinds of crops will move atypically to European areas such as Germany and Poland,” Nemirschi said.
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One way to fight aridity is planting trees in the affected areas, he said.
“(…) The money cashed from the car tax was destined to the famous Green House Program, which we stopped, and then we transferred a part of the money to plant trees”, the minister said.
The minister said another solution is to resume irrigation on large areas of farmland.
Dragos Serban
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