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Some 2% Of Romanian Townspeople To Move To Villages In 2010 – Gfk Romania

Nearly 2% of the people that have been living in urban areas moved in the past year to the countryside, according to a survey by research company GfK Romania, which also showed that the same percentage of people plan to move in a rural area next year.

“Moving in a rural area is a possibility taken into account by 2% of the people aged above 15, who are living in an urban area and said they plan to move there next year. A similar percentage said they already moved from towns to the countryside in the past 12 months,” the survey showed.

According to GfK, official statistics have shown abnormality in past years' migration process, prevailed by the passage from town to village, as Romania has seen already a low urbanization degree compared to European states.

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Generally, up to 10% of town inhabitants usually spend more than one month in the country side.

However, relatives and acquaintances living in the rural environment are an important support for a third of the townspeople, as they receive various food products from the country side.

The study shows that another source for fruit and vegetables is represented by townspeople’s gardens, although their environment is urban.

A quarter of them eat such products, especially those who live in small towns with a population under 50,000 inhabitants.

Over 85% of townspeople buy food products from the local market, no matter if they have their own garden or get them from the country side.

Store products are indispensable in the rural environment, even if it benefits from gardens and animals.

Half of the food products consumed by village people are sold in stores, and the other half is bought from other farmers or produced in their own garden.
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