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Spain Lifts Labor Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians

Spanish authorities on Friday decided to lift labor restrictions in imposed on Romanian and Bulgarian workers, Spanish news agency Europa Press reported.
According to Labor and Immigration minister, Celestino Corbacho, the restrictions “have become pointless,” the Spanish agency noted.

The authorities in Madrid expressed their hope that many Romanian and Bulgarian nationals would want to return to their countries, which launched campaigns to attract people who migrated.

Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega said the Spanish authorities will analyze the effects of lifting labor restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians in six months to see if the measure needs to be revised.

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“Let’s hope not,” Europa Press quoted de la Vega as saying.

The Romanian Foreign Ministry on Friday said it welcomed “with great satisfaction” Spain’s decision to lift labor restrictions.

As of January 1, 2009, Romanian nationals will no longer need work permits to obtain a job in Spain, the ministry said in a statement.
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