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The largest local meat and venison producer, Stenyon, is for sale
The largest meat and venison producer, Stenyon, controlled by businessman Dumitru Stefanescu, has been looking for a buyer for a long time. The Deloitte advisory company is managing the entire operation.
The company estimated net sales worth €15 million for 2008, up over 60 percent year-on-year, following the rebranding of the Venison Feast range, one of the enterprise’s most important products. However, the company’s business was affected by the financial crisis, according to sources in the field.
The Romanian cold meat market is worth more than €1 billion, and its main players include Cris-Tim, Aldis Calarasi, Campofrio, Caroli, Unicarm Satu Mare, and Angst. The food industry is one of the sectors most affected by the economic crisis, as sales dropped 20 percent on foodstuffs such as dairy and meat products in this year’s first three months, due to a decline in the revenues of the population, according to market data.
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