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Tnuva: We are considering a reorganization of local activities
The management of Tnuva Romania, one of the main players on the domestic fresh dairy market, with a share of some 11 percent, indicated that they are carefully analyzing market trends, currently in decline. They are prepared to implement a program to increase competitiveness on the market and a reorganization of their activities in terms of costs, as the year 2009 is one subject to many changes and uncertainties, which can also affect fast-moving consumer goods companies.
“The fresh dairy product market is experiencing a slowdown in terms of growth due to the economic crisis we are undergoing. However, as a responsible producer of fresh dairy products, the Tnuva Romania company is looking for solutions and strategies to prevent possible effects, in spite of the fact that the market and the competition are changing rapidly,” according to a declaration for Business Standard by company representatives. They added that Tnuva will continue to offer consumers only the best quality products, regardless of “the difficulties and challenges of this period.”
This information is a company response to information that appeared in the Israeli press, according to which the sales of the local branch are down, the company plans to focus on large cities, and to interrupt operations in other cities, due to high logistical costs.
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