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Trade unions: Foodstuff prices to rise 20-30%
Prices of imported foodstuffs could surge 20-30 percent in the near future, due to the devaluation of the national currency, while those of foodstuffs from the national production could increase 15-20 percent due to higher energy prices, according to trade unions in agriculture and the food industry.
“The euro reached some RON 4.2-4.3, while prices of foodstuffs were computed in euro for RON 3.2-3.3 in December. There’s a price rise in the pipeline,” the President of the National Association of Agricultural Producers in Romania, Viorel Matei, told Business Standard.
According to trade unions, Romania imports 70 percent of the total meat products, 80 percent of vegetables and fruit, and some 20-30 percent of dairy products. Matei added prices of vegetables and fruit could level off in the summer months, when national production soars and imports decline.
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