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Agricola Bacau to invest €20 mln to expand production
Agricola Bacau group of companies, one of the top poultry producers and processors, has a €20 million investment budget for 2009 to develop farms and increase the production capacity, according to the company’s President, Gheorghe Antochi. (Business Standard)
By 2010, Agricola Bacau plans to increase its market share by some 50 percent, following investments and possible acquisitions. “Agricola Bacau has a 10 percent market share for poultry, and we hope this will increase to 15 percent by 2010,” Antochi told Business Standard.
The group also estimates a 15 percent increase in turnover next year, as two poultry farms will begin production, and due to improved processing capacity and the launching of new products. “For 2008, Agricola International Bacau [the main company in the group] foresees €75 million in business and €1 million in profits. For the Agricola Bacau group, the 2008 estimated turnover is €112 million,” Antochi said.
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The company’s main competitors are Transavia Alba-Iulia, Agrisol International and Avicola Crevedia.
Dragos Serban
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