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Boromir to keep part of the Feleacul’s production for a further 8 months

As of September, the Boromir group, controlled by the Boromiz family, will resume production at the Feleacul sweets factory, where it has kept only the halva line, due to high demand on the market, after Unirea Iasi was closed by the U.S. Bunge group, according to officials of Amylon Sibiu, part of the Boromir group.
Amylon Sibiu took over the brands of the Cluj-based Feleacul producer last year, for some €600,000.

“We plan to resume the halva production in Cluj for eight months, namely September 2009-April 2010, as we cannot be absent from the market. There will be no work over the summer in Cluj,” the manager of Amylon Sibiu, Constantin Tudor, told Business Standard. The company official added that, following this decision, the 40 employees with temporary work contracts have entered technical unemployment.

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